
Search results

  1. Coronavirus disease advice for the public: Mythbusters

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Mythbusters The World Health Organization ... for the World Health Organization's advice concerning COVID-19. ...

  2. The AD's Update


  3. Trending

    recently for updated and trending information. Accounting for Your Money Hope Chest COVID-19 Financial ...

  4. COVID-19 Webinars

    situation. Science-based information is available and updated as new information becomes available at the  CDC  and  Ohio Department of ...

  5. November is National Diabetes Month

    disease and to have a greater chance of a heart attack or a stroke. Over time, high blood glucose from ... nearly twice as likely to die from heart disease or stroke as people without diabetes. The good news is ... that the steps you take to manage your diabetes also help to lower your chances of having heart disease ...

  6. New Healthy Living Resources

    financial struggle, or chronic disease management, stress can creep up as a result of many of the day to day ...

  7. ServSafe

    / Safety Training with this certificate.    -    Update date and County to include your name and ODH number ...

  8. Breakout 3

    a large, and much anticipated branding and content update. But, because of the pandemic- the production of ... this update has come to an unfortunate halt. In an effort to embrace these uncertain times, and adapt ... anticipated update into an online learning platform. We will invite our participants to learn more about the ...

  9. Take Charge of your Diabetes Reunion

    and self-management of diet related diseases. ...

  10. Eligibility

    prevention or delayed onset of nutrition-related chronic diseases and conditions among participants. Thus ...
