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  1. Capstone students contribute to space research

    Biofilm growth can cause clogging, nutrient depletion, disease, and generally disrupt the effectiveness of ...

  2. Construction Systems Management

    accomplished professional in the construction industry who continuously updates his or her technical and ...

  3. Serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma)

    brown colour as the seeds mature. Fruit: Seeds enclosed in two reddish-brown or purple bracts. Root: ...

  4. Agricultural Systems Management

    professional in agriculture and related industries who continuously updates his or her technical and management ...

  5. Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection

    before obtaining their license. Updates to WDI Recordkeeping Wood Destroying Insect Inspection (Category ... here for Updates to WDI Reporting Mandatory WDI Training- Upcoming Classes Next Course: July 17, 2024 ...

  6. Apple of Peru (Nicandra phyhsalodes)

    Green-brown berries with papery inflated calyxes Root: Short taproot The problem is…. a prolific seed ...

  7. Heart-podded hoary cress (Lepidium draba sub. Draba)

    flowers Fruit: Seed pods are somewhat heart-shaped, dark brown, and hairless Root: Rhizomatous The problem ...

  8. Palmer amaranth (Amaranthys palmeri)

    female flowers occur on separate plants. Fruit: Single seeded utricle with black to dark brown seed. ...

  9. Grapevines, uncultivated & in groups > 100 (Vitus spp.)

    brown and woody, twisting with peeling bark. Look for woods or green tendrils which can coil around ...

  10. Dr. Scott Kenney elected Secretary of the NC1202 Enteric Diseases of Food Animals multistate project group

    Enteric Diseases of Food Animals multistate project group during CRWAD 2024. The  long-term goal  of this ... collaborative, multistate project is to develop strategies to prevent and control enteric diseases of livestock ... and poultry, ultimately to decrease incidence of enteric diseases in food animals, and zoonotic ...
