
Search results

  1. Mancozeb Proposed Interim Registration Review Decision- Crop Cancellations and REI Changes


  2. Secrest Events

    A variety of topics will be covered, including proper selection and planting, insect pests and diseases ... cost of registration. Music at the Arboretum JUL 19, 2024, 6:30PM- 8:30PM Rachel Brown and The Beatnik ...

  3. OSU Extension Field Trip

    full of fun and learning. The bus departs from OSU Extension Brown County at 8:00am headed to Chadwick ... calling OSU Extension Brown County at 937-378-6716 or by mailing in the bottom portion of the flyer ... available on our website. Questions can be directed to OSU Extension Brown County at 937-378-6716.   ...

  4. Extension Management Structure Task Force Update

    The OSU Extension Management Structure Task Force continues to meet, considering the following guiding question: What would a management structure look like that best supports county operations? ...

  5. Extension Leadership Update

    I want to echo Dean Kress’s gratitude to everyone who contributed to the recent search for the next associate dean and director of OSU Extension and chair of the Department of Extension. ...

  6. Extension Conference Update: Speakers, Theme, and RFPs

    is Sept. 13.  Visit the conference's official website for more information and updates.  ...

  7. ↻ Refresh! Extension Data Portal Monthly Update

    EDP.  Clean up your imported Vita data (as needed). The Bulk Update Video Demo from February’s office ...

  8. Previous Agricultural Outlook and Policy Conferences

    Update" " Now Hiring: An Ohio Food & Agricultural Labor Update" presented by  Dr. Margaret ...

  9. Fiscal Overview

    address to Dawnn Brown.1283.  For the UNIV Department Card, we suggest using the card name, " ...

  10. Extension Management Structure Task Force Update

    working toward finalizing recommendations by late summer/fall.  note: This update was shared on the ...
