
Search results

  1. Ohio Maple Days

    (FSMA) and Ohio Department of Ag Updates:  The Food Safety Modernization Act contains a mandatory ...

  2. Ohio Maple Days

    Ohio Department of Ag Updates:  The Food Safety Modernization Act contains a mandatory requirement for ...

  3. Ohio Maple Days

    Featured topics include: Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and Ohio Department of Ag Updates: The Food ...

  4. Fair Flu: It's Nothing to Sneeze At

    the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says. The CDC and the National Association of ...

  5. Manure Science Review Set for July 25

    “Regulations Update” by Matt Lane of the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s (ODA) Division of Soil and Water ...

  6. Do All Types of Community Forest Management Projects Actually Protect Forests? Evidence from Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve

    Update:  ...

  7. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference- Defiance County, Ohio

    conferences feature a series of meetings updating Ohio communities on policy changes, key issues, and market ...

  8. Structural change in European calf markets: decoupling and the blue tongue disease

    significantly affected prices of both the national market and of other member states. The blue tongue disease ...

  9. Ohio Maple Days on tap January 18-20

    Department of Agriculture Updates”: The FSMA contains a mandatory requirement for many food manufacturers, ...

  10. Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens

    and technology. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the college. The Centers for Disease Control and ...
