
Search results

  1. Southwestern Ohio Fruit and Vegetable School

    severe winter weather, check the website for updates, or call (513) 695-1311. Private Pesticide ...

  2. Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    disease- seed treatments, variety interactions and Soybean Cyst Nematode- managing the unseen Cost $70.00 ...

  3. Breakout Session Descriptions

    high blood pressure, and thus to heart disease and stroke, the first and fifth leading causes of death ... obesity (33.8%).  Also according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 40% of Ohio ...

  4. Chow Line: With Holiday Baking Season in Full Swing, a Reminder from CDC to Just Say No to Eating Raw Dough

    with salmonella and E. coli within a week. In a new warning issued recently by the Centers for Disease ...

  5. HRA Dialogue 2015

    speaking, so others know who is talking Add to the conversation – no side bar conversations HRA Brown Bag ...

  6. Information Links

    Office of Disease Prevenetion and Health Promotion National Dairy Council Partnership for Food Safety ...

  7. Jill Gallion receives university Distinguished Staff Award

    adjusting student schedules; maintaining student files; processing academic forms; updating student records; ...

  8. Farm Forum Meeting

    Auditor David Graham Shares CAUV Update        Greene Co. Auditor David Graham will share the ...

  9. Evaluating Sources

    written? Be aware if your topic needs recent/updated sources or if older/historical sources are acceptable. ... the civil war)? Is it a website that is updated regularly? Are links still active? Is it biased? ...

  10. HRA Dialogue 2014

    speaking, so others know who is talking Add to the conversation – no side bar conversations HRA Brown Bag ...
