
Search results

  1. Ohio Poultry Association Bird Health Programs Assistant

    of Agriculture and the Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory.  NPIP duties include, but are not ...

  2. Summer Experience in Equine Management

    weekend. Weekly meetings update the students about farm activities; equine, dairy, crops and research. ...

  3. Campus Facilities Update

    As plans progress for Wooster campus facilities renovation and new construction, the campus has faced difficult decisions about facilities that will not be renovated, such as the ATI conservatory.  The conservatory was initially built in 1926 and donated ...

  4. Business Office updates

    There have been a number of changes in regards to office space, assignments, payment window, and pcard requirements. ...

  5. Recently Published / Presented

    and Disease 12(11):891-7. Boerman JP, Firkins JL, St-Pierre NR, Lock AL. 2015. Intestinal ...

  6. 2013 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest – Program Continues to Expand

    Second Place – Joey Brown, Zekel Dicke, Alex Hohlbein, and Erin Williams; and Third place: Kira Andre, ...

  7. Update on searches in progress

    Submitted by Frances Whited, There are a number of searches in process for both faculty and staff. Biology position- The interviews have concluded. Thank you to the search committee and everyone who participated in the process.  Ag Engi ...

  8. Former Faculty Member and Two Alumni Honored at Alumni Awards Luncheon

    I volunteered to serve for six months in Sierra Leone during the Ebola Virus Disease epidemic. During that time ...

  9. 2015 Publications

    Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 12(11):891-7. Boerman JP, Firkins JL, St-Pierre NR, Lock AL. 2015. ... KE, Cassida KA, Zerby HN, Brown MA. 2015. Carcass parameters and meat quality in meat-goat kids ...

  10. Former Faculty Member and Two Alumni Honored at the 2018 CFAES Alumni Awards Luncheon

    I volunteered to serve for six months in Sierra Leone during the Ebola Virus Disease epidemic. During that time ...
