
Search results

  1. Farm Bill is a Win for Organic Agriculture

    For organic growers, there is much good news in the new farm bill. Read highlights and reactions from key organic farming organizations here.  ...

  2. Two-Year Foliar Feed Study Shows Gap Between Farmer Experience and Research

    dairy soil amendments research field crops ...

  3. Reverse Field Tour Engages Stakeholders in Soil Health Research

    Stakeholders played a key role in the reverse field tour held on soil balancinglast month at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster, Ohio. The field tour is part of a USDA NIFA funded project to advance understanding of s ...

  4. Kinder, Gentler Food Processing

    processed to meet targeted sensory attributes and minimum shelf life and to eliminate the risk of disease ...

  5. New ‘Critically Sensitive’ Technology Providing Potential for Broad Range of Scientific Discovery

    doors for new discoveries in disease prevention and treatment as well as a wide range of innovative ...

  6. Waste not, want not? Examining ways to minimize food losses

    the vindicated fruit still faces challenges on its way from farm to plate. Pests, disease, weather or ...

  7. A Closer Look at Organic Corn Growers

    dairy research organic transition field crops ...

  8. Giant Ragweed: A Weed of Extremes

    weeds research ...

  9. Resources on Prevented Planting Acres

    As the wet spring becomes a wet summer, Ohio State agronomists have been sharing resources and information for late summer planting alternatives.  This article has been adapted from several articles in the  Ohio State Agronomic Crops newsletter (C.O.R.N.) ...

  10. Organic vs. Conventional Practices on Soil Quality

    Ohio State researchers compared an organic system to a conventional, looking at several soil quality indicators such as bulk density, organic matter content, and nematode populations. After four years, the organic system had fewer harmful nematodes, espec ...
