
Search results

  1. Back to Basics: A Brief Look at Environmental Policy

    Councilmember Elizabeth Brown. There will be open time towards the end of the event for networking and mingling ...

  2. Student Org Update on In-Person Events

    EFFECTIVE 11.12.20 Effective immediately, all in-person student organization gatherings, events and tabling activities, even those of 10 people or fewer, will once again be prohibited. This limitation applies both to on-campus and off-campus events and ga ...

  3. External Scholarship Opportunities- UPDATED!

    It's time to start exploring external scholarship opportunities!   Take a look at these external scholarship opportunities, your local county community foundations, and more!  New additions will be made throughout the year. ...

  4. Soil Microbial Ecology Associated with Disease Control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cucumerinum in Cucumis sativus Cultivation Following Soil Fumigation with Anhydrous Ammonia in China

    be Soil Microbial Ecology Associated with Disease Control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cucumerinum in ... disease incidence in cucumber monoculture that had low yield and high disease incidence. Soil microbial ... communities assocciated with the management of soil for control of this disease. Fumigated and rotation ...

  5. Framing a National Dialogue of Urban Extension Today: A Request for Partnership

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  6. test newsletter unpublished

    Director Profile. Page 6      by Molly Hardesty Update Information. Page 6      by Mark Giese Graduation ...

  7. After Emerald Ash Borer: Encouraging Regrowth of a Healthy Forest

    for the next webinar too: Thousand Cankers Disease: Threatening the Nation’s Walnut Trees Matthew ...

  8. Undergraduate Research Represented at Annual Forum

    in woodland patches – what’s the explanation?  Presenter(s): Liberty Brigner  Advisor(s): Matt ...

  9. Forest Health: Invasive Species

    diseases.  Invasive plants left unchecked in a woodland can have a long reaching impact on your goal and ...

  10. AU16 Alumni Connection

    AlumniFire and Important Dates ENRAS at Farm Science Review OSUAA Scarlet Award Update Your Alumni ...
