
Search results

  1. Sheep And Goat Webinar Series

    Extension Educator, Guernsey County February 9 Tips for Managing Major Sheep and Goat Diseases Dr. Eric ...

  2. Looking for On-farm Nutrient Cooperators

    Recommendations, but now OSU Extension Soil Fertility Specialist Steve Culman is in the process of updating the ...

  3. 4-H News and Notes: April 15, 2016

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, Listed below are several 4-H updates and reminders. ...

  4. FABE Researcher Creates Innovative Medical Gloves

    protection against diseases, Cornish said. “With our glove, you can get all the properties in one glove, and ...

  5. 4-H News and Notes: February 26, 2016

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, Listed below are several 4-H updates and reminders. ...

  6. Drug Residues and Clearance Time in Sick Animals

    in sick and/or diseased animals can take longer than the withholding period stipulated on the drug ...

  7. 4-H News and Notes for June 5, 2015

    Michael Stanley and the Resonators and Sawyer Brown conerts.  Proceeds from the RibFest and Concerts ...

  8. Renewable Energy Workshop

    biogas and shale gas resources. Updates on solar and wind energy in Ohio. BROCHURE ...

  9. 4-H News and Notes: May 2, 2016

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, Listed below are several 4-H updates and reminders. ...

  10. Peter P. Ling

    5701-5716-5701-5716 Schlea, D., Martin, J.F., Ward, A., Brown, L., Suter, S., "Stormwater retention and water ... (2010) 4362-4370-4362-4370 Wahl, M.D., Brown, L.C., Soboyejo, A.O., Martin, J.F., Dong, B., ... J., Brown,L., "Effect of a woody (Salix nigra) and herbaceous (Juncus effusus) macrophyte species ...
