
Search results

  1. 2023

    Behavioral, and Social Drivers of Mosquito Abundance and West Nile Virus Disease Risk Dr. Megan Meuti ...

  2. 2015 Award Winners

    Communication  Washington Court House, Ohio  Ray A. Miller Council Scholarship  Joey Brown  Animal Sciences ... Mentor Award   Dr. Maurice Eastridge  Department of Animal Sciences  Nominated by Joey Brown  Rodney F. ...

  3. 2011 Award Winners

    Katrina Swinehart Hanna Lemle  Tara Milliken  Dan Brown  Emily Severt  Rachel Crusey    Outstanding First ... Engineering- Dan Brown – Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering major from New Bremen  School of ...

  4. Dean’s Charity Steer Show at the Ohio State Fair

    captain, a team champion, an experienced Ohio 4-H youth, and a steer in the show ring.  The event will be ...

  5. 2012 Award Winners

    Albert Joey Brown      Ray A. Miller Council Scholarship  Linsey Howell  Agribusiness and Applied ...

  6. 2016 Award Winners

    Applied Economics/Agricultural Communication  Cumberland, Ohio  Lee Johnston Leadership Award  Emma Brown ...

  7. 2016 Award Winners

    Applied Economics/Agricultural Communication  Cumberland, Ohio  Lee Johnston Leadership Award  Emma Brown ...

  8. Cameron C. Rich

    Award Recipient Reception Poster (.pdf)  Since he was diagnosed with celiac disease ten years ago, ...

  9. Sustainable Plant Systems

    to have optimal growth and yield and reduce potential problems such as pests and diseases ... the grasses used to enhance our environment. Turf reduces glare, noise, air pollution, heat buildup, ... and cities. Students learn to manage and maintain turf as they gain knowledge in plant biology, soil ...

  10. DEI Newsletter

    contribute news items, events, professional development opportunities, or community updates and ...
