
Search results

  1. USDA Announces 2023 Updates to the Plant Hardiness Zone Maps


  2. Pink Snow Mold and Red Thread Update

    J. W. Rimelspach, Turf Pathology Program Specialist Pink Snow Mold Two fungal diseases have been ... patches of grass, often several inches across, will have brown collapsed leafs (see figures 1 and 2). If ... may be slow until there are adequate warm temperatures for turf growth. Red Thread The other disease ...

  3. Pink Snow Mold and Red Thread Update

    J. W. Rimelspach, Turf Pathology Program Specialist Pink Snow Mold Two fungal diseases have been ... patches of grass, often several inches across, will have brown collapsed leafs (see figures 1 and 2). If ... may be slow until there are adequate warm temperatures for turf growth. Red Thread The other disease ...

  4. Red Thread and Leaf Spot are Active!

    long periods of wet turf. The disease is more prevalent in spring and fall but can occur in any season. ... brown or straw colored. This is referred to as the melting-out phase of the disease. Severe melting-out ... can result in irregular patches of dead turf. Damaged lawns often appear "thin" or uneven ...

  5. Waitea Patch...again!

    It appears that there is now a second occurrence of Brown Ring Patch / Waitea Patch (Waitea ...

  6. Red Thread and Leaf Spot are Active!

    usually occurs during mild temperatures and long periods of wet turf. The disease is more prevalent in ... deficient in phosphorous the disease is often severe. Other cultural practices that promote healthy turf and ... brown or straw colored. This is referred to as the melting-out phase of the disease. Severe melting-out ...

  7. Previous Winners

    pandemic, Dr. Jaykus stepped in to work with the food industry, focusing on controlling disease transmission ... study dietary supplements containing polyphenolics for age-related diseases.  Her research interests ...

  8. Red Thread is Rampant!

    Red Thread is RAMPANT!!! Numerous calls and questions have been received about brown patches in ... the disease is often severe.- Other cultural practices that promote healthy turf and vigorous growth ... lawns fromm many parts of the state. Red thread is a foliar disease that usually occurs during spring ...

  9. Rust, Commerical Turf Update, Sample Submission and Events

    Necrotic Ring Spot (on Kentucky bluegrass)- Summer Patch (on Poa annua)- Bacterial Wilt (confirmed on one ... RUST ON TURFGRASS Rust is a common fungal disease is showing up in many areas. These diseases can ... signs of rust disease on turfgrass. The yellow flecks enlarge which cause the leaf epidermis to rupture ...

  10. Red Thread is Rampant!

    Red Thread is RAMPANT!!! Numerous calls and questions have been received about brown patches in ... the disease is often severe.- Other cultural practices that promote healthy turf and vigorous growth ... lawns fromm many parts of the state. Red thread is a foliar disease that usually occurs during spring ...
