
Search results

  1. Study suggests hepatitis E may be a sexually transmitted infection

    Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Additional co-authors include Patricia Boley, Thamonpan ...

  2. 2024 Veggies and More Tour

    forget your weeds, disease, and insects—we’ll diagnose what’s going on in your garden, too!  Mondays at ... Community Blueberry Patch- 4019 Erie Street- July 29th: Southside Community Garden- 112 Williamson Ave- ...

  3. Agriculture Innovation Center to support value-added agriculture in northeast Ohio

    their growth, development, and economic prosperity.” Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown is also a proponent of the ... with large corporations,” said Brown. The NEO-AIC board of directors includes representatives from Ohio ...

  4. New online database a "FRST" in fertilizer knowledge sharing

    Data-Driven: FRST utilizes a dynamic database of soil test correlation data that is constantly updated to ...

  5. Wang appointed to Professorship in Plant Protection

    sustainability. His work has led to a greater understanding of the molecular genetics of plant disease defense, ... particularly in rice and resistance to rice blast and bacterial blight diseases. Wang and his research group ... the development of disease-resistant crops. Furthermore, Wang’s scholarly impact is evidenced by his ...

  6. Belury receives inaugural 2024 Nutrition Society of Taiwan Award

    health and disease.” Belury’s research interests include investigating the mechanisms of bioactive lipids ...

  7. Departments

    scientific investigation of environmental and biotic agents that cause plant diseases.  Plant Pathology is ...

  8. Naturalist Series: Ticks in Ohio

    An Update on Ticks in Ohio Ohio has gone from one tick of medical importance to humans, companion ... years.  This has caused an increase in disease transmission including fatalities in cattle.  Learn the ...

  9. Bedtime or go time? Observing what animals do during a total solar eclipse

    a specific group of mammal and bird species: tufted deer, red-crowned crane, brown bear, polar bear, sloth ... the equator, brown bears originate in mid- and northern latitudes, and polar bears are native to the ...

  10. AgTech Innovation Hub awards inaugural research projects

    approaches is in high demand due to increased disease pressure due to climate change and reduced ... biopesticide for disease control and growth promotion in tomato crops, both those grown using hydroponics and ...
