
Search results

  1. 18th Annual Stinner Summit

    Each year the Stinner Summit gathers farmers, researchers, educators, policy leaders, and organizations together in a different region of Ohio. Using a participatory process, specific project ideas are crafted and then funded through the Stinner Endowment ...

  2. Organic Vegetable Production Deep Dive

    Join FairShare CSA Coalition for this day-long workshop on organic vegetable production and get into the nitty gritty of onion and carrot growing. Hear from 3 fellow growers on each crop- including their production system specifics, favored varieties, and ...

  3. Entomology Graduate Student featured on OSU News story "Hemp shows high promise as potential natural insecticide"

    prestigious scientific journal, Insects, and was supported by the Infectious Diseases Institute and the ... mainly because as adults they serve as vectors of disease,” said  Erick Martinez Rodriguez,  lead author ...

  4. African Heritage Crop Trials: October Ohio Organic Farmer Researcher Network Meeting

     (OEFFA),  Denise Natoli Brooks  (Central State University), or  Cassy Brown  (Ohio State).  Join Zoom ...

  5. Veterinary Entomology

    emphasis on understanding the remarkable biology of blood-feeding arthropods and the diseases that they ...

  6. January Ohio Organic Farmer Researcher Network Meeting

    Speicher  (OEFFA),  Denise Natoli Brooks  (Central State University), or  Cassy Brown  (Ohio State).  Join ...

  7. Organic Vegetable Trial Ideas

    to Solve- What varieties of disease and heat tolerant open-pollinated cherry tomato could create ...

  8. 4-H Updates

    Facebook  One of our fastest ways to communicate this year has been by email and through Facebook Post. If you are on Facebook please follow our Extension Facebook page for all the up to date 4-H events!  https:// For 4 ...

  9. Newly Developed Vaccine Toolkit Now Available

    Food and Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are funding the ...

  10. Introduction to Organic Dairy for Veterinary Students

    professionals.If you are interested in attending, please contact Sam Oschwald Tilton or Cassy Brown for more ...
