
Search results

  1. Soil Balancing Call-in Conversation

    “You don’t know enough to know what you need to know.” This recent recollection by a farmer after their encounter with a more experienced one reminds us that the questions matter. Much is said, written, and claimed about Soil Balancing, but all is still n ...

  2. OFFER Booth at Mt. Hope Organic Farming Conference

    Visit us at the Mt. Hope Auction Center in November. We'll have details about ongoing Ohio State research and resources. For a list of speakers and topics, go to ...

  3. Soil Balancing Call-in Conversation

    Everyone uses numbers to make decisions, although the numbers people have and the ways they use them often differ. These differences can spell both excitement and challenge when trying to understand and use Soil Balancing. Join us to discuss Soil Balancin ...

  4. Soil Balancing Call-in Conversation

    The history and present-day use of Soil Balancing provides a rich opportunity to examine the different ways farmers and scientists develop and use their knowledge. Join us to discuss what the concept and practice of Soil Balancing currently means to farme ...
