
Search results

  1. OSU South Centers hosts one of 5 Hops Field Nights

    disease, pest management, nutrient management/fertigation demonstration, and drip irrigation management. ...

  2. Direct Marketing provides training, education, and technical assistance to food producers and marketers in 2018

    participants and were held in conjunction with OSUE Cuyahoga and Brown Counties and the University of ...

  3. Pass it On: Business Transition Training

    Over 70,000 businesses in Ohio are owned by people over 55. As these owners prepare for retirement, how will the plan for transitioning their business? Join us for a one-hour session to understand the process of business ownership transition and to learn ...

  4. International Workshop and Field Day on Climate-smart Agriculture in Ukraine

    monitor crop growth and disease pressures were performed. You can find more information on OSU’s ...

  5. Endeavor Center manager offers update, telework tips

    By Ryan Mapes Endeavor Center Manager Hope this note finds everyone safe and healthy.  While the Endeavor Center remains closed to the public, it is open on a very limited basis to our tenants. Tenants continue to have access to their offices but most, if ...

  6. Local Food Producers

    In our Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), we often hear from class participants that they would like to purchase more fresh produce.  If you have ever wondered where to purchase local food in Montgomery County, Ohio State University Ex ...

  7. Chow Line: Internal Temperature of 165 F Needed for Chicken to Prevent Foodborne Illness

    to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s best to use a food thermometer placed in the ...

  8. South Centers Synergy:Pumpkin Power

    and tolerance to plant diseases and pests. His reputation for helping farmers grow superior vegetables ... disease problems control, and production questions. The Ohio Cooperative Development Center provides ...

  9. Strawberry Field Night

    irrigation demonstration and management, row cover management, cultivar evaluations, pest and disease ...

  10. Grape Growing

    Guide with new or updated information.  Information on specific recurring challenges to our industry, ...
