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  1. Educational Resources

    & diseases in firewood. One of the most important things we can do to protect trees is stop moving ... invasive pests and diseases to new areas on firewood. It’s really that simple- don't move firewood, ...

  2. DEADLINE: Application for International Affairs Academic Enrichment Grants

    Infectious Disease initiative. The research competition will fund between 10 and 15 awards of $3,000 to ...

  3. International Visitor Blog

    training at the Infectious Diseases and Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory (IDMEL) at Ohio State’s College ... breeding for biotic and abiotic resistant crops; using Molecular Biology techniques for disease ...

  4. International Student Blog

    growing up. When I was young, I noticed so many diseases existed and insects present in the vegetable ... for the first time that I needed to work with plant diseases and that it should be my profession. Now ... as one of the most serious bacterial diseases of potato in Bangladesh, heavily reduces potato yields ...

  5. Midwest Graduate Student Conference on Regional and Applied Economics (CRAE) to be Held at Ohio State April 5/6 – Follow Our Live Updates

    one honorable mention, will receive a monetary prize.  AEDE will post updates from the event on our ...

  6. AEDE Alums Robert M. McClelland, Dr. Rodrigo A. Chaves and Joseph A. Shultz to be Honored by the CFAES Alumni Society

    Committee, Shultz worked for Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio where he served as the Senator’s primary advisor ...

  7. C. William Swank Program in Rural-Urban Policy Examines Food Insecurity in Ohio

    Populations Program Coordinator for the Mid-Ohio Foodbank.  Additionally, Partridge gave an update on Swank ...

  8. Ugandan Plant Breeder Recognized as CFAES International Alumni Award Winner for 2016

    breeding for disease resistance, Dr. Asea served as a visiting scientist at the International Center for ...

  9. Brent Sohngen Serves as Co-Author for Forestry Chapter of the U.S. National Climate Assessment Report

    infestations, drought, and disease outbreaks.   Climate change, combined with current societal trends regarding ...

  10. Professor Elena Irwin Participates in “Rethinking Global Land Use in an Urban Era” at the Ernst Strüngmann Forum in Frankfurt, Germany

    disease eradication, provide a creative environment where top international scientists and thinkers are ...
