
Search results

  1. Pass it On: Business Transition Training

    Over 70,000 businesses in Ohio are owned by people over 55. As these owners prepare for retirement, how will the plan for transitioning their business? Join us for a one-hour session to understand the process of business ownership transition and to learn ...

  2. Local Food Producers

    In our Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), we often hear from class participants that they would like to purchase more fresh produce.  If you have ever wondered where to purchase local food in Montgomery County, Ohio State University Ex ...

  3. Chow Line: Internal Temperature of 165 F Needed for Chicken to Prevent Foodborne Illness

    to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s best to use a food thermometer placed in the ...

  4. OSU Extension Food Preservation Team Office Hours Events

      Registration Links Preparing for Canning- Jams and Jellies- Cannng and freezing Vegetabled- Canning and Freezing Fruit- ...

  5. COVID-19 Resources and Information

    A new website with science-based information and research on COVID-19 from The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences launched April 7th. The KX COVID-19 Hub is a collaboration between The Knowledge Exchange, Ohio ...

  6. Do you have a financial question? Ohio State Extension can help.

    Dayton, OH: If you have a financial question. You’re not alone! OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Healthy Finances professionals are sensitive to the economic challenges families and their communities are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. For ...

  7. Caregiver Support Network: Resilience Building and Resource Sharing

    Saturday February 22 nd  from 1 PM-4:15 PM Join the Caregiver Support Network at The Ohio State University for an important discussion on caregiver burnout, telemedicine, useful gadgets and technology. Learn about caregiver self-care, managing burnout, st ...

  8. Caregiver Support Network: Resilience Building and Resource Sharing

    Join the Caregiver Support Network at The Ohio State University for an important discussion on caregiver burnout, telemedicine, useful gadgets and technology. Learn about caregiver self-care, managing burnout, stress, mental health, connecting with resour ...

  9. Game Day Snacking

    With college basketball in full swing and the Superbowl around the corner, many Ohioans are spending weekends watching sports with friends and family. Often, these events involve snacking, since many game day traditions revolve around food. Many typical g ...

  10. Farm Bill Program

    Program is FREE! What's it about? Insight on the 2018 Farm Bill Discussion on Commodity within the Farm Bill Available Decision Making Tools Registration Required. Please contact Montgomery County Extension by  Monday, January 17, 2019 Held at Miami ...
