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  1. Wang Lab

    Research Areas of Expertise Virology Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases ...

  2. July 2023 CFAES Connect

    style="text-align: center; text-decoration: none;"> Read more Updates from the CFAES Alumni Society Board Add ... for their dedicated years of service and contributions to the board: Rishonda Headen-Brown, BS ’17; ... where they can update their information within the OSU system " style="text-align: center; ...

  3. Staff and Post-Doc Continuing Education Award

    Uses: The Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD) Midwest Veterinary Conference (MVC) ...

  4. Graduate Student Travel Award

    Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD) American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Microbe ...

  5. Talita Pilar Resende, PhD, MSc, DVM

    Non-Infectious Diseases; Swine production, management, and welfare 130 Pounden Hall 330-263-8029 ... diseases, with a specialized focus on swine infectious diseases. Talita also has had the privilege of ...

  6. Thank you, outgoing board members!

    the board: Rishonda Headen-Brown, BS ’17; John Kellis, BS ’76; Nathaniel Kramer, MS ’18; Kelsie ...

  7. Vlasova lab publishes article entitled "Increased COVID-19 Mortality and Deficient SARS-CoV-2 Immune Response Are Not Associated with Higher Levels of Endemic Coronavirus Antibodies"

    with the most severe clinical disease. Finally, advanced age, cancer and immunosuppression were ...

  8. October 2023 CFAES Connect

    milestones Button context:  Takes users to a webform where they can update their information within the OSU ... system " style="text-align: center; text-decoration: none;"> Update your information ...

  9. David Benfield, PhD

    Campus. Renowned for his contributions to swine disease research, Dr. Benfield isolated the Porcine ... in animal disease prevention, overseeing major campus facilities renovations, and creating hands-on ...

  10. Dr. Scott Kenney and Kush Yadav have chapter published in the Springer Nature Book- Zoonoses: Infections Affecting Humans and Animals

    A through C are commonly recognized as causing significant liver disease by many average individuals due to ... self-resolve in many infected individuals coupled with animal reservoirs that show little disease upon ...
