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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-06

    Very Fine or Not Fine? Soybean Rust Update for March 21 Guidelines for Wheat Herbicides Authors: Mark ... Soybean Rust disease. Perhaps you have already seen in writing or heard from some one that the nozzles ... Update for March 21 Authors: Anne Dorrance Much activity the past few weeks – so I will break it down by ...

  2. Watch Wheat for Head Scab and Cereal Leaf Beetle

    before any application and make sure your products are compatible.   Wheat Disease Wheat Insects Small ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-26

    stunting is often localized within fields (e.g. head rows and border rows or patches within fields) with ... corn diseases is evident. Some have suggested micronutrient deficiencies associated with high pH ... Mites, frogeye leaf spot, downy mildew and brown spot are the winners in this order. The presence of ...

  4. Managing Alfalfa Stands Damaged by Waterlogging

    color.  If it is yellowish brown to chocolate brown color, the tissue is damaged or dying.  If more than ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-34

    Control Guide-Bulletin 789) Debbie Brown (Shelby), Glen Arnold (Nutrient Management Field Specialist), ... CPAg/CCA (Agronomy Field Specialist), David Dugan (Adams, Brown, Highland), Jason Hartschuh (Crawford) ...

  6. Digital Weed Identification Resources from OSU

    a considerably updated fashion. It describes 29 families and 83 species of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous ...

  7. GAPs Training-Georgetown, Brown County, Ohio

    An educational course that covers good agricultural practices or GAPs, which helps reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination. Attending the OSU GAPs class does not equate to being GAPs certified. The instructor for this class is Brad Bergefurd, OSU ...

  8. With Changing Climate, Farmers Should Prepare

    A warmer winter means that some insects or diseases that used to be killed off by frigid temperatures can ...

  9. Switching from Alfalfa to Soybean…Should I Inoculate?

    Alfalfa stands were negatively affected by this winter’s weather. Some farmers may be converting their alfalfa fields to soybean. Does the soybean seed need to be inoculated? While there is very little information on this topic, we believe yes. You should ...

  10. 2019-11

