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Chow Line: Restrictive diet can help ease intestinal issues
sometimes confused with the more serious inflammatory bowel disease, which includes Crohn’s disease. The ... conditions have similar symptoms, but people with inflammatory bowel disease can also experience rectal ... bleeding and fever, and the disease can cause serious complications, including intestinal blockages, ulcers ...
OSU Extension to continue teleworking arrangements during Stay Safe Ohio order
continue to be held virtually or canceled. Ohio State will continue to evaluate and update plans based on ... everyone for your cooperation and collaboration related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Like Ohio ...
Chow Line: 7 ways to make food donations count
welcome. If you can spring for healthier options, such as whole-grain pasta, brown rice, high-fiber ... mushroom soup and dried onion rings. Refrain from donating anything in glass jars, torn packages or in cans ...
Muck Crops Field Day is July 28
vegetable producers that will offer farmers the latest information on diseases facing muck crops. The Muck ... will also offer updates on the station’s latest research findings on managing weeds, insects and ... diseases in muck-soil vegetable crops, Filbrun said. The event is being held in collaboration with the ...
Chow Line: Deep yellow field spot on watermelon key to choosing sweet, ripe melon
cells in the body from damage associated with heart disease. When choosing the perfect cantaloupe, it is ...
Sustainability and Ohio Lands: Creating Value for People and the Environment
3:15 P.M. Sustainability on Ohio’s Farmland Panel Ben Brown, AEDE Assistant Professor, Professional ...
Water: the next generation’s oil?
growers and the agricultural industry informed of upcoming issues, including pending diseases, insect ... Contact Wilson at 614-247-6169 or Agricultural Engineer Larry Brown is an ... expert in controlled drainage, which can help reduce nutrient loads. Contact Brown at 614-292-3826 or ...
2020 Darke County Ag Outlook
What we’ll cover: •A Look at The 2020 Grain Markets •Ben Brown- Assistant Professor, OSU AEDE, ...
Blueberry, Bramble, and Wine Grape Pruning School
easier to harvest. It also helps reduce the potential for disease and insect problems.” The cost of the ... to Topics covered will include: Project update of brambles, hardy figs, and ... hardy kiwis research Blueberry rootstock and grafted blueberry tree project update Grafting of fruit ...
OSU to Offer New Fact Sheet on Stink Bugs, Which Are a Growing Concern for Soybean Farmers
Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences are developing a new fact sheet to provide soybean growers updated ... on a new fact sheet to address growers’ concerns, he said. The brown marmorated stink bug was finally ... college. A native of eastern Asia, the brown marmorated stink bug was first identified in the U.S. in ...