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  1. Robotics with VEX IQ

    step, update your robot's firmware so you have the latest and greatest version.    Web page: ...   Understanding Vex IQ Plastic Construction System PDF: Vex IQ BaseBot Build Instructions Web page:  Updating VEX ...

  2. Make plans now for dormant fruit tree management

    you prune, remember to burn, or dispose of the pruned branches, to limit the amount of disease ... inoculum present (as mentioned in last week’s article). During dormant pruning you can target diseased ... branches and help reduce the impact of diseases, such as fire blight or black knot, in your trees. ...

  3. Friday’s Escape to the Forest Webinar Series – Non-native Invasive Forest Pests and Sentinels

    invasive pests and the use of sentinel tree plantings to monitor what future pests and diseases may be of ...

  4. Fisheries and Wildlife Science Seminar

    8 completions. Graduate 1.0 ENR 8890 SP20 Updated.pdf Suzanne Gray Gabriel Karns Robert J. Gates William Peterman ...

  5. Successional Dynamics of Forests

    ENR7333 SP20 Syllabus.pdf ENR 7333 SP20 Updated.pdf In Person Environment and Natural Resources ...

  6. Race, the Environment, and the Car

    neighborhoods. Black and Brown Americans have been more likely to live in places with unhealthy amounts of air ...

  7. New Factsheet available to assist farmers, gardeners, and landowners

    in or near Ohio.  Citation: Brown, C., Culman, S., LaBarge, G. Choosing a Laboratory for Nutrient and ...

  8. Fruit Tree Workshop and DSU Banquet Dates and Info

    include insect and disease identification and management, soil sampling basics for fruit trees, and ...

  9. Calendar of Events

    with the Northeast Ohio Agronomy School discussing topics including soybean disease, farm and roadway ...

  10. Consider Using Tax Refund As A Safety net For Later In The Year

    information is stored, we must go through and update or review items on a regular basis. Usually, tax time is ...
