
Search results

  1. Pickling Cucumbers

    bacterial and fungal disease monitoring and control, cucumber beetle emergence & control, plant ... and recorded.  Plant growth characteristics, insect and disease susceptibility and tolerance, and ...

  2. Research, Education, and Extension Collaboration between the Ohio State University South Centers and Jiamusi Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    By Dr Rafiq Islam, Soil, Water, and BioEnergy Program Director Drs. Tom Worley, Larry Brown and ...

  3. 2017 OARDC Annual Research Conference

    Blast Diseases for Food Security”.  Our other keynote speakers include: Lonnie King, Acting Vice ...

  4. February Newsletter

    We look forward to sharing more updates as this year unfolds! Sincerely, Laquore J. Meadows, Ph.D. ... County Extension Director, Franklin County Program Updates Agriculture and Natural Resources Largest ever ...

  5. Farmers’ Markets at Risk of Losing the Ability to Accept SNAP Benefits

    and providing updates via our Facebook pages, @OhioDirectMarketing, and @OhioFarmersMarkets.  If you ...

  6. A successful 2nd year of aquaculture boot camp

    aquaculture information, podcasts, and updates of ABC-2 activities. Additionally, ABC-2 Introductory provides ...

  7. New Hop Research Funding Received to Further Develop the Ohio Hop Industry

    small acreage landowners. Decades after disease and prohibition wiped out hops production in the ...

  8. Growing Barley and Hops For Local Beer-making

    disease control methods, harvesting, processing, and marketing techniques that can be adopted by Ohio ... Ohio hop updates and information, contact Brad Bergefurd, or call the OSU South ...

  9. Raspberries

    with long, fruiting laterals.   Apparently resistant to most cane diseases and late yellow rust but ... than Heritage.  Fruit borne on laterals.  Low to medium susceptibility to diseases and pests. Fall ... Vigorous, erect plants are productive, winter hardy, and show some disease resistance.  Considered an ...

  10. From Farm to Cafeteria to Field

    window. Attendees also gained disease prevention insights from current berry nutritional research. ...
