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  1. Research News (December 2018)

    writing tips, resources, and updates is now available.  Read it here. Additionally, if you are not ...

  2. Chow Line: Use 'Top 10' lists to add variety (5/25/12)

    plant diseases and other potential harm. Luckily, they also appear to protect human health as well. Some ... and brown, including cauliflower, jicama, onions, potatoes, turnips, bananas, brown-skinned pears and ...

  3. Cooler Weather Playing a Positive Role in Wheat Development

    but lower-than-average temperatures are keeping diseases under control and may even result in bumper ... University Extension appointment. "The upside to cooler temperatures is less disease development. With ... the exception of powdery mildew on some susceptible varieties, we've seen few foliar diseases and ...

  4. Milking Excellence

    developing some materials in a different language to help with the process. Maintain and Update Milking ... regularly evaluated and updated. Develop Treatment Protocols.  Treatment protocols define standard ... treatments for common diseases and injuries.  Involve your veterinarian in developing these protocols.  The ...

  5. Chow Line: Brown rice, not white, a whole grain (for 5/16/10)

    May 7, 2010 Is rice a whole grain? Brown rice is a whole grain, but white rice isn't. That ... Brown rice makes the mark because it still contains, well, the whole grain-- the bran, germ, and ... endosperm. The only thing that's removed from brown rice is the inedible hull around the rice kernel. ...

  6. Southern Ohio Summer Wine Grape Workshop is Aug. 18 in Piketon

    45661. Late or on-site registration is subject to a $5 late fee. Presentations include updates on grape ... diseases, fungicides and insects; vineyard management for improved grape and wine quality; and an overview ...

  7. Research News (November 2018)

    writing tips, resources, and updates is now available.  Read it here. If you are not subscribed to our ...

  8. Management of Dry Cows to Promote Udder Health

    generally regarded as the most costly infectious disease on dairy farms. For most farms, the main bacteria ... termed "teat rings", "prolapsed sphincters" or the like) has been shown to increase ... metritis) is associated with decreased white blood cell function, the occurrence of one disease identifies ...

  9. Small Grains Field Day

    Barley Disease Identification and Management Wheat Breeding and Evaluation Update Pre-registration is ...

  10. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Backyard Fruits That You Can Grow (for the Week of March 1, 2009)

    patches? A. The research is inconclusive.-- Notes: The fruit types listed are for Midwestern growing ... patch or in plantings of certain kinds of grapes, apples, cherries, currants, raspberries, gooseberries, ...
