
Search results

  1. Weather Outlook

    The forecast from last winter into spring for summer 2016 in Ohio continues to work out with generally warmer and drier weather.  Over the region as the departure from normal map shows, it is drier than normal across much of Ohio and points northeast whil ...

  2. Western Bean Cutworm Count Rising and Eggs Hatching

    We have seen a large increase in Western Bean Cutworm catches (see figure), which is typical for this time of year. Given the heat in the forecast later this week, it might be safe to say that we are into peak flight.  We have also heard of eggs hatching— ...

  3. Corn pollination

    Editor's Note:  This is a synopsis of the article last week from Peter Thomison, with the pictures attached.  I've included a bit of the information to "explain" the images, but if you want "The Whole Story," please refer to ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-29

    ornamentals and turf (Anonymous). Treflan® and Prowl® have also been reported to suppress dodder germination ...

  5. Hot, Dry Conditions Stressing Corn

    Throughout Ohio, especially northern Ohio, there are corn fields exhibiting drought and temperature stress. Leaf rolling is common and uneven, stunted corn growth is widespread. Moreover, most of these stressed corn fields are at a stage of development th ...

  6. Seeking a Twospotted Spider Mite Trial Location

    As we mentioned in a previous newsletter article, there is a product newly labeled for spider mite control in soybean and sweet corn (Agri-Mek SC).  We would like to test this product in Ohio soybeans, and are looking for a producer field for this trial.  ...

  7. Marestail Control in Wheat Stubble- Part 2: Cover Crop Considerations

    Following last week’s article about marestail control in wheat stubble, a number of people asked about options where cover crops are going to be planted later this summer.  The options can be fewer for this situation, especially for small-seeded broadleaf ...

  8. Data Retention and Availability –The Big Data Confusion: Part 11

    Data retention policies represent a set of guidelines that outlines data will be archived, how long it will be kept, how it will be removed, and either destructed or returned to the farmer.  The American Farm Bureau Federation’s “ Privacy and Security Pri ...

  9. Field Day for Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    A field day being held on July 28, Northwest Agricultural Research Station, OARDC, 4240 Range Line Rd. Custar, OH is targeted for those who utilize fertilizer and manure in crop production. Preregistration is due by July 22. Credits offered during the day ...

  10. Corn Pollination Underway in Early Planted Fields

    According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service  for the week ending 7-10-16, 7% of the state’s corn was silking compared to 17% for the  5-year average. Given the range in corn planting dates this year, some late planted (corn planted in early- ...
