
Search results

  1. 2018-22


  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-06

    the control of disease ("not" added for correction March 18, hdw). For soybeans brown spot ... diseases had reached the mid to upper canopy, the key leaves for yield in soybeans. The results are very ... profitable when susceptible hybrids or varieties are planted and foliar disease pressure is high. Summaries ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-31

    LEAF DISEASES. During the grain fill period, leaf diseases can cause serious yield reductions and ... optimize grain yield. Hybrids can vary considerably in their ability to resist infection by these diseases ... . Demonstration plots provide an excellent opportunity to compare differences among hybrids to disease problems ...

  4. McSpadden Gardener lab page 1

    830 every other year. Additionally, regular contributions are made to Plant Disease Management- PLNTPTH 603. ...

  5. Dollar spot database

    diseases of golf course creeping bentgrass worldwide. The DSTI database hosts the transcriptome data from ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-33

    management please refer to the OSU Plant Pathology web site "Ohio Field Crop Diseases" at: ... move and what the incidence of disease is in some of these fields. The rains that fell at the end of ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-27

    of these plants the crowns are degraded. Last week we found some reddish-brown corky areas in this ... region. The reddish-brown corky regions are where Rhizoctonia established infections early in the year and ... of fungicide application on levels of brown spot (caused by Septoria) or yield. Previously, Ohio ...

  8. Corn and Soybean: What’s in Store for 2016?

    and disease pest problems, such as European corn borer and gray leaf spot. With earlier planting, ...

  9. Managing Precision Ag Data

    from our lineup. Were there specific field conditions such as rainfall, insect, disease or weed ...

  10. MarketMaker links producers and potential buyers

    would like to be added to the Ohio Direct Marketing list serve to receive direct marketing updates and ...
