
Search results

  1. Higher western bean cutworm feeding may lead to mycotoxins

    :// Corn Insects Corn Disease Corn ...

  2. Gypsy Moth 'Mating Disruption' Treatments to Begin in Eastern and Central Ohio

    susceptible to disease and pests, ultimately killing it. “It becomes a nuisance for homeowners because you can ...

  3. 2019-07


  4. Estimating Wheat Yield With Stem Counts

    Between planting in the fall and Feekes 4 growth stage (beginning of erect growth) in the spring, winter wheat is vulnerable to environmental stress such as freezing temperatures with limited snow cover, saturated soils, and freeze-thaw cycles that cause ...

  5. Honey Bee Health around Grain Crops

    The National Corn Growers Association in partnership with the Honey Bee Health Coalition recently published Corn Best Management Practices for honey bee health. The team who developed the BMPs was comprised of growers as well as beekeepers and businesses ...

  6. New Requirements to Apply Dicamba!

    As of October of 2018, the EPA announced that the registration for dicamba will be extended for two years for over-the top use of dicamba resistant corn and soybeans.  Additionally, new regulations now require that to mix, load or apply dicamba, you must ...

  7. Weather Outlook Podcast

    Listen in on Wednesday to the new Agronomy and Farm Management Podcast episode featuring Aaron Wilson, researcher with the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center and OSU Extension. Wilson covers weather conditions as we head into planting and an outlook f ...

  8. Keep an Eye Out for Water Quality Risk This Spring

    Research measuring nutrient losses from surface and subsurface drainage in Ohio indicates that not all fields contribute equally to various water quality issues. Fields with higher than average potential losses have some characteristics observed during ev ...

  9. The Haney Test for Soil Health

    The Haney test was developed by Rick Haney of United States Department of Agriculture-Ag Research Service in Temple, Texas.  The Haney test uses unique soil extracts in the lab to determine what quantity of soil nutrients are available to soil microbes.  ...

  10. Tri-State Farm Bill Summit

    The 2018 Farm Bill, passed by Congress and signed by President Trump, now awaits implementation by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), agencies like the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Services, Risk Management Agency and m ...
