
Search results

  1. To each their own: case studies of four successful, small-scale organic vegetable farmers with distinct weed management strategies

    distinct weed management strategies." B. Brown and E.R. Gallandt (2017)  Renewable Agriculture and ... Table 1. Characteristics of farms assessed. From Table 1 in Brown and Gallandt (2017). Farmer Weed ... potential disease and pest problems caused by weed presence. Tom Honigford Tom Honigford seeks to prevent ...

  2. QTest Labs

    alert veterinary staff of any abnormal findings Update and maintain animal records Laundry and upkeep of ...

  3. Farm Science Review

    More details at ...

  4. OEFFA Season Extension CSA Farm Tour, Eaton, Ohio

    Eugene Goodman and Lucy Owsley started farming in 1994, and were certified organic by OEFFA from 1996 to 2002. They have owned and operated Boulder Belt Eco-Farm since 2005. They grow a wide selection of produce year round for their 40 community supported ...

  5. Mt. Hope Organic Farming Conference

    The Organic Farming Conference at the Mt. Hope Event Center is scheduled for November 11 & 12, 2021. This year’s keynote speaker is Klaas Marten, of Lakeview Organic Grain in Penn Yan, N.Y. Registration is $20 for one-day, $30 for both days and includ ...

  6. Summer Station Research Roundup- West Badger

    variety trials research product trials field crops educational resources ...

  7. Practical Skills for Managing Invasive Pests workshop

    Drosophila and Brown Marmorated Stink Bug on fruit and vegetable crops. Although the spotted lanternfly has  ...

  8. In the News

    HolsteinWorld. Microbiomes and Their Role in Plant and Animal Health and Disease OARDC Annual Research ... Monitor photo contest: 1st- Joey Brown, 2nd & 3rd- Kelsie Hinds. Beef 509 class helps producers think ...

  9. Equine Reproduction Internship

    neonatology, and treatment of various wounds and diseases. Students will be able to assist in embryo flushing ...

  10. Ohio Cattlemen's Association Full-Time Position

    programs.  External communications includes distribution of press releases, regular updating of association ...
