
Search results

  1. Your Pond Update Spring 2014

    OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION in PDF format Proactive Algae Management through Pond Destratification As spring progresses, give a little thought to how internal nutrient cycling influences the water quality of ponds.  Everything that grows within your p ...

  2. Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) and how it relates to moving animals from 1 state to another

    Who should attend? Anyone that transports livestock across state lines, or has their own livestock. ...

  3. 2007-2009 Archive

    fund travel for her poster presentation, "Identification of Bacteria for Soil-borne Disease ...

  4. Your Pond Update from Eugene Braig

    OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION in PDF format Your Pond (and Fish) Emerging from a Potent Winter It’s been too long since I’ve provided one of these articles.  As always, please, feel free to drop me a line at any time with any of your pond, water, fish, ...

  5. Update on mineral nutrition of dairy cows: webinar

    Hoard's Dairyman webinar. Presented by Dr. Bill Weiss. ...

  6. Plant Disease Diagnostics (PLNTPTH 5685) July 10-19


  7. Ohio's Wheat Struggling Under Wet Weather, Diseases

    December 3, 2001 WOOSTER, Ohio- Prolonged heavy rains during winter wheat planting have resulted in severe stand establishment problems throughout parts of Ohio, which may affect overall yields come next season's harvest. Pat Lipps, an Ohio State Uni ...

  8. Ohio State Experts on Emerald Ash Borer (Updated February 2007)

    November 14, 2000 WOOSTER, Ohio — The following experts with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) and Ohio State University Extension are available to speak with the media about emerald ash borer (EAB) — an invasive pest that is t ...

  9. Tomato Disease Workshop, OARDC, Wooster


  10. Ohio Field Crop Diseases Anne E. Dorrance Pierce A. Paul ...
