
Search results

  1. Feeding and Nutrition

    Cows Selenium Nutrition Update on Trace Mineral Requirements for Dairy Cattle Update on Vitamin ...

  2. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    $16.83/cwt, with the November at $17.02/cwt. Updated Corn Silage Price A new corn silage price used throughout ...

  3. Keep Forage Nitrate Toxicity in Mind This Year

    deadly nitrogen gas. Nitrogen oxide gases are heavier than air, may be reddish or yellow-brown in color, ...

  4. Next Year’s Winter Annual Cereal Grain Forage Success Starts Now

    in Ohio. When selecting varieties, look for agronomic information on winter survival and disease ...

  5. 2023 Dairy Hall of Service Recognition

    received many production and quality awards over the years, including lifetime production cow for Brown ... provided leadership to the Dairy Working Group, dairy articles in the Farm and Dairy, and constant updates ...

  6. Home Gardeners

    Pest Diagnostic Clinic is a diagnostic facility specializing in the identification of plant diseases ...

  7. Corn Silage and Foliar Disease

    brown halos. If tar spot is found in fields, a fungicide application can help slow disease spread, but ... beginning brown silk, while later planted corn is still vegetative. The ideal time to scout corn for fungal ... disease and for fungicide application is from tassel through pollination. Most fields we have scouted this ...

  8. Employee Training Resources for Animal Care in the Dairy Industry

    doesn’t have a training program setup or perhaps it may need to be updated, there are several resources ... place to update to the changes coming in version 5. More information can be found at their website,  ... can be found at The resources for training new employees or updating ...

  9. Milk Price Modernization Proposals

    the Federal Order system to recognize industry changes since the last major update in 2000 and correct ... the use of barrel cheese in the protein component price formula, 3) update the milk component factors ... IV, and 4) update the Class I differential pricing surface throughout the United States. The ...

  10. Dairy Palooza Wrap-Up

    dairy marketing update.  It takes a league of volunteers to plan and manage the day of activities.  We ...
