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  1. Strawberry growers increasing profits through techonology adoption

    Canada and Nova Scotia the end of July showing no reported signs of disease or quality issues at this ...

  2. OSU Extension Shale Development Information for Landowners 'Gave Me Confidence'

    Workgroup meets monthly to discuss emerging needs and get updates from the Ohio Farm Bureau, which also ...

  3. How to Keep Your Forest Healthy: July 23 Workshop on Stopping Invasive Insects

    thousand cankers disease  of walnuts, and what you should do if you find these and any other invasive ...

  4. Buckeyes Playing Long Game in Tanzanian ‘Feed the Future’ Initiative

    including emerging plant virus diseases, limited use of improved varieties and fertilizers, lack of linkages ...

  5. Building African Food Security One Student at a Time

    was a great fit.       “I am studying rice blast-- this is one of the important rice diseases in ... Tanzania-- to see if we can evolve new varieties of rice that can be resistant to the rice blast disease ...

  6. OARDC Scientist Leads New Great Lakes Fire Science Consortium

    consortium’s website features, for example, news and updates about fire science in the region, a list of coming ...

  7. FABE

    provide an update on the current techno-economic and environmental status of feedstock logistics for ...

  8. OCDC Seed Grants assist cooperative development

    cooperative statute updates in the state.    OCDC plans to continue the successful seed grant program in the ...

  9. Produce Growers: Review, Comment on Proposed Food Safety Rule

    to disease-causing bacteria. A fact sheet summarizing the rule is available at ...

  10. Ohio State Researchers Help to Author the U.S. National Climate Assessment Report

    infestations, drought, and disease outbreaks. Additionally, though forests play an important role in absorbing ...
