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  1. 12 Days of Experts: Don’t Make Grandma Sick at Your Holiday Party

    and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide consumers with food safety information, ...

  2. Tips for Emerald Ash Borer and Asian Longhorned Beetle Infestations Offered at Farm Science Review’s Utzinger Garden

    diseases Invasive species Rain barrels Italian herbs These topics are just a sampling of some of the things ...

  3. Cornfield’s ‘Cool’ Block O Designed to Spur Conversations on Precision Ag Potential

    data to report back to farmers, Fulton said. To keep updated on the project, contact Fulton at ...

  4. All Things Bats: Youth Outreach Team Collaborates with Local After-School Program

    the children and help increase their knowledge. Bat specialist Bridget Brown from the Ohio Department ...

  5. OSU Extension Fights Food Insecurity in Buckeye State

    calories but not much nutrition, Hatsu said. That can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other ...

  6. Chow Line: Watermelon tasty, nutritious

    cancers, and also protects cells from damage associated with heart disease. In addition, citrulline in ...

  7. Asiatic Garden Beetle Could be Cause for Concern for Northern Ohio Corn

    being a minor pest in turf, now appears to be much more damaging to crops than most other grubs, Hammond ...

  8. Shale Energy Community Education Workshop Planned for Nov. 10

    development." The workshop includes the following presentations: Update on Ohio Shale Development and Activity ...

  9. Chow LIne: Are you getting enough vitamin D?

    deficiencies but offer additional benefits against a whole range of illnesses and chronic diseases. For ...

  10. Chow Line: Paleo diet has pros and cons

    allergies, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and a long list of other afflictions, mainstream ...
