
Search results

  1. Soybean Cyst Nematode CAN be Done in the Spring

    ($15/sample) 8995 E Main St, Bldg 23 Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 614-292-5006 Soybean Disease ...

  2. Godwill Mih Chewachong

    Godwill Mih Chewachong PhD (Qu) Research Area Plant diseases caused by ... diseases. Australian Journal of Crop Science 3(3):167-172. Ambang, Z, Amougou A, Nantia J and Chewachong, ... content in cassava leaves and tolerance to anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. ...

  3. Explore Plant Pathology Careers

    30%.  We also lose 30% of crops through pests and diseases yet cannot resort to pesticides because of ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-18

    newsletter on the corn replant problem in Ohio, we would like to give you an update on the seedling disease ... the radical, and sometimes diseased areas were found on both nodal roots and on the mesocotyls. ... However, some plants in each sample did not have disease symptoms. We attempted to recover several ...

  5. Farm Science Review 2015--Last Minute Reminders

    can talk about weeds, insects or disease; continue on with a discussion about corn and soybean ...

  6. “Tassel Ears” Sightings in Corn

    Zea mays (normal corn). There has been some speculation that a fungal disease called "crazy ...

  7. Wheat Nitrogen Rates

    update of the Tri-State Guide). A producer can greatly increase or reduce the N rate by changing the ...

  8. Side- Wall and Pinch Row Compaction

    compaction. It is important as corn and soybeans emerge, to not only scout for pest, disease and nutrient ...

  9. 2016 On-Farm Fertilizer Trials for Corn, Soybean, and Wheat

    trials this year. Updating fertilizer recommendations is a major undertaking that will require ...

  10. 2015 4H STEM Camp June 2-4 2015

    Engineering, and Math) Camp at Canter’s Cave this summer. The region includes Adams, Brown, Gallia, Jackson, ...
