
Search results

  1. Renewable Energy a Topic at Conservation Tillage Conference

    diseases, ag technology, nutrient management, soil and water, conservation tillage, and precision farming. ...

  2. Communiqué January 30, 2013

    a “renew” period to start updating your Extension PROGRAMS list. You may begin copying your 2012 PROGRAMS ... a certain topic. A great benefit is that you can update your blog anytime you want without the help of ...

  3. What's the Best Way to Burn (or Not) Certain Forests Around the Great Lakes? New Program Has Science-based Answers

    consortium’s website features, for example, news and updates about fire science in the region, a list of coming ...

  4. OARDC Names 2009 Junior Faculty Research Award Winners: Land Use, Food-borne Illness Experts

    international expert in the areas of pre-harvest food safety, animal-transmitted diseases, and food-borne ...

  5. Kingsville branch serves grapes and a growing industry

    disease control, the effects of compost, and the performance of a wide range of cultivars, clones, ...

  6. Researchers Find Potential 'Dark Side' to Diets High in Beta-Carotene

    protecting cells and regulating cell growth and death, all of which play a role in multiple disease ...

  7. Update on Corn Silage Harvesting Practices

    Dr. Bill Weiss, Dairy Specialist, Ohio State University As corn silage harvest approaches, important decisions must be made regarding silage harvest. The quality of the silage made this fall will have an impact on the herd for the next 12 months. When to ...

  8. Update on Pricing Standing Corn for Silage Harvest

    Dianne Shoemaker, Bill Weiss, and Normand St-Pierre, The Ohio State University Extension  How to price corn silage as a corn crop standing in the field is a perennially challenging question. The optimal answer will vary depending on your point of view. Ar ...

  9. Commercial Activity Tax Update

    Mr. Don Breece, Farm Management Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Lima Farmers with gross sales of over $150,000 join other commercial businesses subject to a new Ohio tax (and no, it is not a tax on your barn cats!). As result of this years Ohio Budget ...

  10. Bonnie's "Buckeye Moos" Update

    Ms. Bonnie Ayars, Extension Dairy Program Specialist, Ohio State University Extension As the end of the year approaches, I have spent time preparing a 2010 calendar for 4-H dairy activities.  It is posted on the web page.  There is als ...
