
Search results

  1. OSU Extension Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference

    and cut flower diseases. Anyone interested in developing, growing or diversifying their small farm is ...

  2. COVID-19 and Deer Hunting Pathogen Safety

    may contain other potentially zoonotic pathogens such as chronic wasting disease (Pritzkow 2022). In ... testing requirements for other diseases and for specific instructions on preparing, transporting, and ... to avoid spreading general disease and keeping meat safe: Do not allow contact between deer and ...

  3. Sign up for the OFFER blog

    Receive OFFER updates in your inbox by signing up for our blog. We will share research, events, ...

  4. Animal Growth and Development

    interaction among nutrition, hormones, exercise, heredity and disease. Prereq: 3100, 3105, or permission of ...

  5. Fruit Tree Workshop and DSU Banquet Dates and Info

    include insect and disease identification and management, soil sampling basics for fruit trees, and ...

  6. Animal Sciences Undergraduate Research Experience- Summer 2023

    Cellular Biology Poultry Mucosal Immunology Viral Disease of Livestock Visit  ...

  7. Consider Using Tax Refund As A Safety net For Later In The Year

    information is stored, we must go through and update or review items on a regular basis. Usually, tax time is ...

  8. Organic Farmer Researcher Network January Meeting

    Julia Barton  (OEFFA),  Denise Natoli Brooks  (Central State University), or  Cassy Brown  (Ohio ...

  9. Make plans now for dormant fruit tree management

    you prune, remember to burn, or dispose of the pruned branches, to limit the amount of disease ... inoculum present (as mentioned in last week’s article). During dormant pruning you can target diseased ... branches and help reduce the impact of diseases, such as fire blight or black knot, in your trees. ...

  10. CentralStar Career Opportunities

    County, Wis., area A.I. Specialist, Shawano/Brown County, Wis., area A.I. Specialist, Rock/Dane/Walworth ...
