
Search results

  1. Piao Yang

    S.O., Bernier, M.C., Zhao, L., and Xia, Y. (2023). Plant growth promotion and plant disease suppression ... cv. M82) in Ohio. Plant Disease. 10.1094/PDIS-05-22-1093-PDN. Yang, P., Bokros, N., Debolt, S., Zhao, ... disease suppression. 202 3-present   Postdoc fellow (advisor: Dr. Shuai Huang) The Ohio State University, ...

  2. CES Chapters

    The outreach committee will communicate with other state chapters and provide yearly up-dated ...

  3. Jennifer R. Wilson

    Disease. 103(3):526-530. 10.1094/PDIS-05-18-0800-RE M.E. Dowling, P.K. Bryson, H.G. ... sensitivity to Polyoxin D zinc salt.”  Plant Disease,  100  (10): 2057-2061. ... E.W. Ohlson, J.R. Wilson. 2022. “Maize lethal necrosis: impact and disease management.” Outlooks ...

  4. Greene County Beef Weigh-In Information

    steers must be 100% dairy selected from the following breeds: Holstein, Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, or a cross ... exhibitors at the December weigh-in. We have updated and revised some rules and want to make sure that ...

  5. General Ed & Intro Courses

    Pathology Lecture (3 credits) An introduction to plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, ... nematodes and parasitic higher plants. Taken concurrently with PLNTPTH 3001.  Autumn. PLNTPTH 5140- Diseases ... of Field Crops (2 credits) Key diseases that impact crop plants with emphasis on identification, ...

  6. General Plant Pathology Lecture

    PLNTPTH 3001 Plant diseases are a major constraint to agricultural production and the health of ... of environmental conditions in promoting development of plant diseases and disease epidemics, the ... mechanisms of plant pathogen interactions, and the development of effective approaches to disease control. ...

  7. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

    pests and diseases of strawberry is the  UC Davis IPM website. Thankfully this UC Davis site is ... be there. Unless otherwise indicated, the pest and disease mages below are from the UC Davis IPM site ... Clark, photographer. In addition, we have several pest- and disease-specific subsections. Spider mites ...

  8. 4-H Fundamentals – Fall Focus

    Programming Volunteer Recruitment, Training, and Annual Updates Club Files and Financial Management ...

  9. Helpful Videos

    Stock Solutions Pollination Harvesting Fruit Cultivar Selection Pests and Diseases Final thoughts by ...

  10. Retail Resources

    CIP technology or for those who might need to refresh or increase their knowledge, get updates, review ...
