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  1. Unbeatable Students Create UnBeetable Burger

    in the burger are beets, black beans and brown rice. The team realized while developing the burger ...

  2. EPDM Faculty Advising Forum

    place! Hear about curriculum updates, receive a new degree planning tools, and get scheduling questions ...

  3. NRM Faculty Advising Forum

    place! Hear about curriculum updates, receive a new degree planning tools, and get scheduling questions ...

  4. Urban Farming: Can Cities Feed Themselves?

    waiting list,” he said. The series covers everything from site selection to insects and diseases to food ...

  5. Tips and Events for the Week of Oct. 15

    and updates for this year, as well as issues they may encounter when filing individual and small ...

  6. A Deeper Look Into Food Safety, Quality: Ohio State Scientist Wins Research Award

    detection of quality traits and safety of agricultural products, as well as in disease detection,” ...

  7. 9 Ways to Manage Your Natural Resources: Workshop in NW Ohio

    sessions on “The Caterpillar That Ate a Forest: Gypsy Moth Update” by Stone; and “Creating Habitat for ...

  8. Ohio State University to Offer Series of Tax Schools Statewide, November and December

    changes and updates for this year as well as learn more about issues they may encounter when filing ...

  9. OSU Extension Offers Videos, Guidance on Home Food Preservation

    proper way to preserve food.” Even veteran canners like Goard herself could use these updates, she said. ...

  10. Chow Line: With alcohol, stopping at one or two is best

    breast cancer and liver disease, there is no safe level of alcohol consumption. And, although past ...
