
Search results

  1. Magazines and Journals Owned by ATI Breeder's Digest 2023- Current Previous Issues The Brown ...

  2. Golf and Turfgrass

    turf characteristics.  The care and maintenance of each is based on the type of grass and the wear and ... tear from its unique use.  This includes the machinery to require to maintain a healthy sustained turf ... , including mowing, fertilization, watering and reducing damage from insects and diseases. Online Programs, ...

  3. Snow Mold- how much damage and what can be done?

    As the snow begins to recede a key question for the turf manager is how much snow mold damage will ... damage from this diseases than experienced in recent years. Snow mold is active at temperatures just ... little to no benefit at this time. In the case of pink snow mold or Microdochium Patch (the common name ...

  4. Greenhouse Management Workshop set for Jan. 26–28

    USDA-ARS  Research updates: Crazy root disease, Chris Taylor, associate professor of molecular genetics and ... Jan. 26–28, 2022.  The workshop will focus on integrated management of insects and diseases, with the ... controlled environments,” Canas “Ornamental viral diseases: Overview, prevention, and management,” Judit ...

  5. OSU Senate Updates

    solidify a search process at their quarterly meeting this week. We will keep you updated as more ...

  6. Consumer Awareness

    awareness and promoting food safety education are important objectives in combating foodborne disease, both ...

  7. Math Placement

    a time limit of 75 minutes.  The time remaining will be updated after you answer each question.  Please ...

  8. Snow Mold- how much damage and what can be done?

    As the snow begins to recede a key question for the turf manager is how much snow mold damage will ... damage from this diseases than experienced in recent years. Snow mold is active at temperatures just ... little to no benefit at this time. In the case of pink snow mold or Microdochium Patch (the common name ...

  9. Equine undergraduate researchers present posters

    Brown presented posters about their studies at the 2022 Spring Undergraduate Research Festival and the 2022 CFAES ... Step Count in Horses"    * Alora Brown presented "Considerations for Color Coding Treatments ...

  10. Save the Date for the Research Forum & Poster Competition

    competition winners, followed by an update on the CFAES research enterprise during the Research Forum, ...
