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  1. Dealing with Winter Injured Forage Stands

    I’ve been hearing more reports from around the state of winter injured forage stands, especially in alfalfa. The saturated soil during much of the winter took its toll, with winter heaving being quite severe in many areas of the state. So, what should be ...

  2. Establishing New Forage Stands

    This month provides one of the two preferred times to seed perennial cool-season forages, the other being late summer. Two primary difficulties with spring plantings are finding a good window of opportunity when soils are dry enough before it gets too lat ...

  3. Improving Conditions for May

    After a cool and wet period for April as expected we still expect a turn toward warmer weather for May along with more normal rainfall. The outlook for the next two weeks going into early May, rainfall is forecast to average 1-3 inches with normal being 1 ...

  4. Cressleaf Groundsel in Wheat and Hay

    Department of Agriculture’s Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, although liver lesions suggestive of PA ...

  5. 2019-10


  6. Wheat Heading, Flowering, and Head Scab Risk

    continue over the next few weeks. These are very important growth stages from the standpoint of disease ...

  7. Moldy Corn, Kernel Sprouting and Upright Ears

    Available at (verified 9-19-16) Corn Disease Corn Growth ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-35

    Invaders Ron Hammond, Andy Michel Brown marmorated stink bugs are making their presence known to home ... these lady beetles will go to homes for overwintering, just like the brown marmorated stink bug.  We ... the maggot is finished feeding, they form a dark-brown puparium called the "flax seed" ...

  9. Western Bean Cutworm: Adult Moth Update

    John Schoenhals, Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, Amanda Bennett, JD Bethel, Bruce Clevenger, Sam Custer, Tom Dehass, Jason Hartschuh, Ed Lentz, Rory Lewandowski, Cecilia Lokai-Minnich, David Marrison, Sarah Noggle, Les Ober, Eric Richer, Garth Ruff, Jeff Sta ...

  10. Soybean Cyst Nematode – SCN Coalition Update

    along with Zak Ralston, Jonell Winger, Isaac Knowles Earlier this spring, members of American Soybean Association were provided soil sampling bags and a challenge.  They were to sample the best yielding field and the lowest yielding field on their farm to ...
