
Search results

  1. Ohio State University Extension Addressing Nutrient Management Issues in the State

    are working to update fertilizer recommendations in agronomic crops, by conducting field trials on ...

  2. Researcher Focuses on Developing Foods with a Boost for Health

    on creating new functional foods that potentially could prevent and treat chronic disease without ...

  3. Farmers, Consultants Needed for Major Initiative to Update Fertilizer Guidelines

    Martha Filipic WOOSTER, Ohio — It’s been 20 years since agronomists have developed fertilizer recommendations in Ohio. But now, Ohio State University Extension is embarking on a major initiative to determine the optimal rates of fertilization on the state ...

  4. MarketMaker links producers and potential buyers

    would like to be added to the Ohio Direct Marketing list serve to receive direct marketing updates and ...

  5. Study Examines Role of Wildlife in Transmitting Foodborne Disease

    WOOSTER, Ohio — An analysis of studies examining the role wildlife play in the transmission of foodborne illness and antimicrobial resistance in the food chain offers a broad picture of what’s known on the topic and identifies gaps in current knowledge. ...

  6. Business Development Network Updates

    Endeavor Center 2018 is off to a good start for the OSU Endeavor Center business incubator. The center operated at nearly a 100% occupancy rate in the first two quarters, having only one space available for lease.  A new partner application was recently a ...

  7. Updates on Fruit Research Projects and Extension Programs at South Centers

    By Gary Gao, Ph.D. Extension Specialist and Associate Professor Container Fruit Production: Now in the final year of our project on container berry production, our team has made significant progress.  Among blueberries and brambles, blueberries seem to be ...

  8. Recapping the Best of the Aquaculture Boot Camp Program in 2014

    ABC intermediate program to be informed of new training opportunities and industry updates. The ABC ...

  9. Can Making High Tunnels Increase Farm Profits?

    vegetable production may lead to yield reductions and, depending on the crop, soil-borne disease ...

  10. OARDC Heirloom Rose Garden Open House and Plant Sale Is June 8 (UPDATED w/ slideshow)

    WOOSTER, Ohio-- The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s  Garden of Roses of Legend and Romance  will hold its annual  open house and rose sale  from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 8. The three-acre collection is home to about 1,500 heirloom rose p ...
