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  1. Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference

    leaf disease Ohio bat update Invasive species update Full agenda can be found here CEU's  are ...

  2. Farm Science Review: Ask the Expert

    Mitigating and Managing Landowner Liability Peggy Hall 1:20 p.m. Biosecurity: Managing Current Disease ... Make the Perfect Season, Right?! Aaron Wilson 11:40 a.m. What has CoVID-19 Taught us About Disease X? ...

  3. Chow Line: Tick season could result in red meat allergies for some bitten by lone star ticks

    potential for tick bites, which could result in several complications, including Lyme disease, Rocky ... isn’t known to vector or transmit Lyme disease, it can vector other diseases such as ehrlichiosis, ... southern tick associated-rash illness, tularemia, as well as some viral diseases,” McDermott said. “It has ...

  4. Supply chain, U.S. trade policy, COVID-19 to be discussed during Farm Science Review

    keep them updated,” Brown said. “Be agile: Hold an appropriate level of working capital for the size of ... Brown, assistant professor of professional practice in agricultural risk management Joyce Chen, associate ... adapted, and the risk management related to crops and livestock. The panelists will also provide an update ...

  5. Don't miss this Agricultural & Environmental Law Conference in Memphis

    for an online bonus session on ag labor and updates.  ...

  6. Farm Office Live Webinar- Weekly live office hours starting April 6

    Starting Monday April 6th, the OSU Farm Office Team of Peggy Hall, Dianne Shoemaker, Ben Brown ... short updates on emerging topics and to help answer questions. Each evening will start off with a quick ...

  7. Expect more ticks in Ohio this season and beyond

    Tracy Turner COLUMBUS, Ohio—Ticks—and the diseases they carry—are on the rise in Ohio this season ... such as anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Lyme disease. And in some cases, in ... encountering ticks in Ohio is high, and the number of ticks that are carrying disease is high, there are things ...

  8. Tracing tomatoes’ health benefits to gut microbes

    risk for the development of various conditions that include cardiovascular disease and some cancers.  ...

  9. Chow Line: Black licorice warnings and tips for safe Halloween celebrations

    a concern for people over 40, some of whom have had a history of heart disease and/or high blood pressure, ...

  10. Farmland Leasing Update 2022

    Download Farmland Leasing Update Slides Find our law bulletins in the Farm Leasing Law library at ...
