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Soybean Cyst Nematode – SCN Coalition Update
along with Zak Ralston, Jonell Winger, Isaac Knowles Earlier this spring, members of American Soybean Association were provided soil sampling bags and a challenge. They were to sample the best yielding field and the lowest yielding field on their farm to ...
Effect of Soybean Relative Maturity on Grain Yield
Fall 2018 was extremely wet, and as a result, small grain and cover crops throughout the state were planted late. Some farmers are interested in planting soybeans with an earlier relative maturity to facilitate timely harvest and establish a small grain o ...
What are your Bedding Options; Is Keeping a Thin Wheat Stand Worth It?
Wheat fields are finally turning green, as we do stand evaluations ( many producers are weighing poor stands versus their need for livestock bedding. As you weig ...
Assessing the Value of Variable Seeding Rates in Corn Production
Third Author: Emerson Nafziger Finding the best seeding rate is important for efficient corn production, but the “optimum” seeding rate – the one that maximizes profitability – can vary within and among fields with small differences in soils and weather. ...
Spring Roller Coaster to Continue
As discussed last week, we are in a more active weather pattern now that will last the rest of April. We expect a storm system every 3-4 days. Overall, rainfall events will be classified as moderate in nature. But with the high frequency we expect rain fo ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-35
Invaders Ron Hammond, Andy Michel Brown marmorated stink bugs are making their presence known to home ... these lady beetles will go to homes for overwintering, just like the brown marmorated stink bug. We ... the maggot is finished feeding, they form a dark-brown puparium called the "flax seed" ...
2018 County Yield Estimates Available
The 2018 Ohio county estimates for crop yields were recently published by the USDA-National Agricultural Statistics Service. This annual report provides a look back to the previous production year and give an average of planted and harvested acres as wel ...
Fertilizer Certification for First Time Applicators
If you apply, fertilizer to 50 acres of cropland where you do not use that crop exclusively for your own livestock feed you will need to certify with the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This includes broadcast and sidedress applications. Planter applicati ...