
Search results

  1. OSU Extension: Fall Frost Increases the Potential for Toxicity in Livestock

      with the National Weather Service. Noel’s weather updates are featured in the OSU Agronomic Crops ...

  2. OSU Extension: Fall Frost Increases the Potential for Toxicity in Livestock

      with the National Weather Service. Noel’s weather updates are featured in the OSU Agronomic Crops ...

  3. Easter Birds and Kids: Children at Higher Risk of Salmonella Infection from Chicks, Ducklings

    younger than 1 are 11 times more likely to become sick with this disease," said LeJeune, a national ...

  4. Blueberries

    is around $3.50 per pound as of 2017. How do I manage the insects and diseases in blueberries? ... Blueberry bushes do get a few insects and diseases.  Since we are not a major blueberry production state, we ...

  5. Ohio Beef Quality Assurance Program Certification Now Available Online through New Ohio State Website: Assures Consumers of Beef Quality and Safety

    last Beef Quality Assurance certification updates three years ago,” he said. “But those who did, need ...

  6. New App Lets You Report Invasive Species

    mollusks, crustaceans and plant diseases. The network covers the states of Ohio, New York, Illinois, ...

  7. Ohio Hops Conference is Feb. 5-6, 2015

    profitable. How Brewers Select their Hops. Managing Diseases in the Hops Yard. Collaborative Marketing-Ohio ...

  8. 14 billion ways honey bees let you eat

    large numbers due to many reasons, including diseases, insect pests, loss of habitat and farm chemicals. ...

  9. OARDC’s Linda Saif is first woman to win prestigious Wolf Prize in Agriculture

    her work on viral diseases of critical importance to farm animals, food safety and human health. ...

  10. Hydrologic Redistribution and Rhizosphere Biology of Resource Islands in Degraded Agro-ecosystems of the Sahel

    fixation) and plant growth (e.g. plant hormones, disease suppression). This knowledge will provide a basis ...
