
Search results

  1. Apply by April 1 for OARDC High School, Undergrad Science Internship

    diseases. Selected scholars will be required to work a minimum of 30 hours per week, but daily hours will be ...

  2. OSU Extension Offers Income Tax Schools

    preparers may encounter in 2011 returns. The schools also will include an Ohio income tax update ...

  3. Ohio Growers Face Development Risks on Late-Planted Wheat

    ground at this point probably won't be planted." For future updates on Ohio's wheat crop, ...

  4. Record Crowd Attends Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    Cover Crops Council meeting being held at Ohio Northern University on Feb. 23. For future updates, log ...

  5. Heat Stress- Where Should You Start?

    disease is particularly contagious when milk prices are high. I guarantee that someone in your community ...

  6. Dairy Quality Assurance: Past, Present, and "Oh!", What A Future!

    dairy producers in the following areas": 1. Environmental stewardship, 2. Johne's Disease, 3. ... State Cattle Health Assurance Program (NYSCHAP) "is an integrated disease prevention program which ...

  7. Agriculture Attractive But Not So Convenient Terrorist Target

    spreading animal diseases, like foot and mouth; and food processing facilities and packing plants that could ... mouth disease can be to the animal population,” said Tweeten. “These are just some of the things ...

  8. Agritourism Workshop Promotes Preparedness, Emergency Management

    updating information among growers and people trying to promote sustainability and move the issues forward ...

  9. Hot, dry season putting damper on corn yield potential

    headline of the 2011 corn crop. "There are parts of the state, areas in Brown County for example, that ...

  10. OSU South Centers Small Business Development Center Awarded for Excellence

    counties-- Adams, Brown, Lawrence, Scioto, Gallia, Pike, Ross, Highland, Jackson and Vinton – was chosen ...
