
Search results

  1. Spring Planting: Planting Corn During Optimal Time One Key in Getting Corn Planting Off to Good Start

    of early-, mid- and full-season hybrids between fields, which reduces damage from diseases and ...

  2. Animal Welfare Specialist Expanding Reach in Ohio

    at the animal itself. What is the condition of the animal? Does it have any signs of disease? Is it ...

  3. Helping Farmers Out of Depression

    for farmers has been increasing in part because a July 2016 report from the Centers for Disease ...

  4. Ardent supporters: David and Ginny Brown


  5. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of April 2

    “Metagenomes of Beneficial Microorganisms: Disease Suppressive Soil and Mycoviruses.” Free. April 7:  Good ... Graduate Society of Nutritional Sciences. Information: UPDATED: April 9:  School of ... Dynamics and Disease Control.” Free. Information: NEW: April 20: Registration deadline for ...

  6. Sessions Aim to Improve On-Farm Safety of Fruits, Vegetables

    Disease Control and Prevention data by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. That’s one reason ...

  7. Cold Winters Hard on Pond Fish: What You Can Do

    newsletter, Your Pond Update, All photos: iStock. Eugene Braig ...

  8. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of July 1

    Road, Ohio State University, Columbus. Garden tours. Free. Information: 614-292-9941. UPDATED: July 12: ... Research Station, 1165 County Road 43, Fremont. Features updates and new research on vegetable crop ...

  9. Study: An Apple a Day Lowers Level of Blood Chemical Linked to Hardening of the Arteries

    versus those with coronary artery disease, he said. The study is published online in the Journal of ...

  10. ​In study, skipping meals is linked to abdominal weight gain

    disease. “This does support the notion that small meals throughout the day can be helpful for weight loss, ...
