
Search results

  1. Entomology Graduate Student Association (EGSA)

    and social factors that contribute to the proliferation of vector-borne diseases, as part of the ... Brown Family Environmental Center (BFEC), in Gambier, Ohio, for their annual Earth Day Festival. This ... Brown Family Environmental Center Tae Lee Phd, and EGSA visit the 4-h Forestry and Wildlife Conservation ...

  2. Greene Clover Newsletter Prior Year

    (Update 2 dated January 19) January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 September 2020 July  2020 June 2020 ...

  3. CES Past Officers

    numbered years, 2-Year Term 2015-17 Dawnn Brown Extension Administration 2017-19 Linda Good Miami County ...

  4. Bug Zoo Open House

    updated by subscribing to the UTBZ blog:   ...

  5. CFAES Alumni Society Board of Directors

    Science and Technology Representative BS '98 Katherine Brown Plant Pathology Representative BS ...

  6. Livestock Sales Information Update from the Sales Committee

    Poundage checks can be picked up in the Fair Office. Hours: Tuesday 8:30 to 12:30, Wednesday Noon to 4:00, Thursday 8:30 to 12:30, Friday 8:30 to 12:30.  Hang on to those Thank you notes! Thank you cards will need to be turned into us (Sales Committee) to ...

  7. Peter Piermarini

    S, Dilley KA, Puri V, Brown DM, Harkins DM, Thibaud-Nissen F, Rosen B, Chen XG, Tu Z, Sharakhov IV, ... a mosquito to bite another person and spread disease. Piermarini lab research is highlighted in Ohio State ... 10.1242/jeb.172296. PubMed PMID: 29361596. Miller JR, Koren S, Dilley KA, Puri V, Brown DM, Harkins DM, Thibaud-Nissen F, ...

  8. Sarah M. Short

    microbiome, mosquito immune defense, and novel pathogens of disease vector mosquitoes. I teach Vector Biology ... and Vector Borne Disease (ENTMLGY 5605) and Insect Pathology (ENTMLGY 5121). My extension program is ... primarily focused on ticks, tick-borne disease, and tick bite prevention. Visit us at ...

  9. 2022 CFAES Alumni Award Honorees

    '93 Agricultural Engineering, MS '87 Agronomy INTERNATIONAL ALUMNI AWARD David Brown  BS '62 ...

  10. Marissa Mullett

    and marketing, creating and updating internal documents and public-facing materials, and managing ...
