
Search results

  1. Snow Mold- how much damage and what can be done?

    As the snow begins to recede a key question for the turf manager is how much snow mold damage will ... damage from this diseases than experienced in recent years. Snow mold is active at temperatures just ... little to no benefit at this time. In the case of pink snow mold or Microdochium Patch (the common name ...

  2. Snow Mold- how much damage and what can be done?

    As the snow begins to recede a key question for the turf manager is how much snow mold damage will ... damage from this diseases than experienced in recent years. Snow mold is active at temperatures just ... little to no benefit at this time. In the case of pink snow mold or Microdochium Patch (the common name ...

  3. Poultry Biosecurity: From the Backyard to the 4-H Project

    to apply those practices to some of the more common poultry diseases. DATE: Tuesday, May 31 st TIME: ... identify and apply biosecurity to 8 of the top 10 poultry diseases. To register for this virtual ...

  4. Links

      The Department of Plant Pathology- Buckeye Turf ... Phenology- Todd Hicks Twitter- Turf ...

  5. Urban Plan of Work

    plan continues to be updated and will be incorporated in the OSU Extension Strategic Alignment Draft ...

  6. Turfgrass Sample Submission Form ...

  7. 2022 Veggies and More Tour: St. Pat’s Garden

    more. Bring a lawn chair for seating and a notepad. Don’t forget your weeds, disease, and insects—we’ll ...

  8. 2022 Veggies and More Tour- Ohio Ave Butterfly Garden

    disease, and insects—we’ll diagnose what’s going on in your garden, too! Question? Call 330-533-5538 To see ...

  9. 2022 Veggies and More Tour- McGuffey Centre Garden

    disease, and insects—we’ll diagnose what’s going on in your garden, too! Question? Call 330-533-5538 To see ...

  10. 2022 Veggies and More Tour- Fairgreen Neighborhood Garden

    weeds, disease, and insects—we’ll diagnose what’s going on in your garden, too! Question? Call ...
