
Search results

  1. Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference- Mansfield, Ohio

    Forest Ecosystems Glyphosate and Pesticide Safety Update Harmful Alga Blooms in Ponds: Concerns and ...

  2. Alumni Career Management- Branding Yourself For Your Next Opportunity

    information about updating your resume and LinkedIn profile Identify and market your transferable skills ...

  3. Stone Lab Guest Lecture- Put-In-Bay, Ohio and Online

    Hear about relevant Lake Erie research topics and get updates from state agencies. There are two ...

  4. Southwest Ohio Corn Growers and Fayette County Agronomy Field Day- Washington Court House, Ohio

    and corn and soybean pest diagnostic demonstration, and farm bill update. The field day admission is ...

  5. OARDC announces award winners at annual conference

    of diseases of wheat and corn. Paul’s research has significantly increased the scientific community’s ... understanding of Fusarium head blight (FHB), a disease that has caused billions of dollars in losses to the ... virus-like particle technology for the creation of vaccines and diagnostic tests for infectious diseases of ...

  6. Stone Lab Guest Lecture- Put-in-Bay, Ohio and Online

    Hear about relevant Lake Erie research topics and get updates from state agencies. There are two ...

  7. Pumpkin Field Night- South Charleston, Ohio

    updates regarding cover crops, pest management, and new pumpkin and winter squash varieities. The field ...

  8. Stone Lab Guest Lecture- Put-in-Bay, Ohio and Online

    Hear about relevant Lake Erie research topics and get updates from state agencies. There are two ...

  9. CFAES Alumni Society Board Welcomes 3 New Members

    originally from Columbus. The Class of 2017 representative is Rishona Headen-Brown. Rishona, a Food, Science, ...

  10. Where are they now? Alumni Awards edition

    specialty pesticide markets—structural pest control, turf, and ornamental. Though the company name has ...
