
Search results

  1. Game Day Snacking

    With college basketball in full swing and the Superbowl around the corner, many Ohioans are spending weekends watching sports with friends and family. Often, these events involve snacking, since many game day traditions revolve around food. Many typical g ...

  2. Rational Delay

    processes of updating our attitudes are extended in time, a phenomenon I call rational delay. Neither ...

  3. EPN March Tuesday Breakfast Club

    Blueprint Columbus: Clean Streams, Strong Neighborhoods – Update. This will be followed by the Global Water ...

  4. Michael Graziano's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    decline being well documented, largely as a result of habitat loss and disease, it is increasingly more ...

  5. Farm Bill is a Win for Organic Agriculture

    For organic growers, there is much good news in the new farm bill. Read highlights and reactions from key organic farming organizations here.  ...

  6. EPDM Faculty Advising Forum

    place! Hear about curriculum updates, receive a new degree planning tools, and get scheduling questions ...

  7. NRM Faculty Advising Forum

    place! Hear about curriculum updates, receive a new degree planning tools, and get scheduling questions ...

  8. Farm Bill Program

    Program is FREE! What's it about? Insight on the 2018 Farm Bill Discussion on Commodity within the Farm Bill Available Decision Making Tools Registration Required. Please contact Montgomery County Extension by  Monday, January 17, 2019 Held at Miami ...

  9. Two-Year Foliar Feed Study Shows Gap Between Farmer Experience and Research

    dairy soil amendments research field crops ...

  10. Lake States Fire Science consortium Webinar

    These fire-prone systems are now rare and exist primarily as remnant patches.  In 2014, the ...
