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  1. PEDv Updates from National Pork Board

    The Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus continues to create issues and much industry discussion. ...

  2. Personnel Updates

    Dr. Ron Kensinger retired June 30. Dr. Eric England started July 1. Ms. Sarah Hancock started June 8. ...

  3. Personnel Updates

    Welcomes and goodbyes. ...

  4. Dads, Disease and Death: Determinants of Daughter Discrimination


  5. EEDS Program and AEDE Student Service Center Changes

    The department recently announced changes to the team that supports AEDE student services with a new leadership role for Gina Hnytka and a new undergraduate coordinator role for Holly Hall. The AEDE Student Service Center, which launched in early 2014, pr ...

  6. Study Abroad Updates

    Study Abroad Voyager Become an ambassador for study abroad and work with other motivated individuals to promote study abroad, have fun and improve the world. Find out more information at, applications due March 23, 2015. Fundrais ...

  7. Emissions from Energy: Environment, Health, and Legislation- a presentation and round-table brown-bag discussion

    A joint seminar between the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering and the John Glenn School of Public Affairs will be held in 410 Hitchcock Hall. Presenters: Stefan Åström- Chalmers University and IVL Swedish Environmental Research ...

  8. U.S. dairy markets and policy update


  9. U.S. dairy markets and policy update


  10. Letter from Tim Haab, AEDE Department Chair

    We are in an exciting and transformational time in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics. Of course with change comes uncertainty, but more importantly, with change comes opportunity. While recognizing our past, AEDE wil ...
