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Thank you, outgoing board members!
the board: Rishonda Headen-Brown, BS ’17; John Kellis, BS ’76; Nathaniel Kramer, MS ’18; Kelsie ...
CES Chapters
The outreach committee will communicate with other state chapters and provide yearly up-dated ...
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
viruses. These viruses infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs. Disease severity ranges from mild ... Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is ongoing, and there are still detections of disease in ... communicable disease, and it should be taken seriously. We have free fact sheets available on Ohioline ...
4-H Volunteer Training
training, and update their enrollment in 4-H Online by April 1, 2022 to remain an active volunteer. ...
September 2023 CFAES Connect
milestones Button context: Takes users to a webform where they can update their information within the OSU ... system " style="text-align: center; text-decoration: none;"> Update your information ...
Greene County Beef Weigh-In Information
steers must be 100% dairy selected from the following breeds: Holstein, Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, or a cross ... exhibitors at the December weigh-in. We have updated and revised some rules and want to make sure that ...
August 2023 CFAES Connect
milestones Button context: Takes users to a webform where they can update their information within the OSU ... system " style="text-align: center; text-decoration: none;"> Update your information ...
4-H Fundamentals – Fall Focus
Programming Volunteer Recruitment, Training, and Annual Updates Club Files and Financial Management ...
Our Faculty and Staff in the News
will address several priority production issues such as pest control, disease management, production ...
PAT and Upcoming Winter Agronomy Meetings
Recertification and some state wide Agronomy Meetings. Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification update for 2021: ...